But, through this experience we all learned a valuable lesson. Always be prepared!
After the doctor finished cleaning out the glass and stitching up the wound in the hospital emergency room, it was determined that it would be best to keep him in the hospital overnight. Late that evening, Elder Edmunds found that he needed to use the bathroom, but when he tried to do so, he discovered that it had no toilet paper. He asked a nurse for some, but she said that she couldn't help him. He then asked another nurse and got the same response. He finally limped down to the nurse's station to see if he could get some help from them. It was at that point that they informed him that you're supposed to bring your own when you come to the hospital. Elder Edmunds explained that he didn't know that policy and that when he came into the hospital he was bleeding profusely and that toilet paper was not on his radar screen. He asked for just a couple of squares, but was told that he should call a friend to bring him some. After some talking and coercion they were finally generous enough to tear off a piece of paper from the examining table!
So...another lesson learned. Always keep some tissues or TP in your purse or in your pocket, you never know when you'll end up at the hospital and have need for it. The scout motto of "Be Prepared" has once again proven to be a truism.
Or better yet, just stay out of Polish hospitals.